Again I say to you, if two of you agree on Earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven
— Matthew 18:19

We believe that God is near and chooses to respond in Love through believers coming together in Faith and Agreement to seek him and his will. We also believe that God moves in Power in response to the prayers of his sons and daughters on the Earth, especially as they pray for one another.

If you or a family member is in a difficult situation and would like for us to stand with you in prayer we would be honored to do that. Be as general or specific as you would like, there is no pressure. We are here for you and God hears your prayers.

One of the core values of the John Houston Family of Companies is Generous Love.

One way we want to exemplify Generous Love is to be a source of support to employees of the John Houston Family of Companies in their time of need.

This is made possible through both donations of fellow employees as well as matching funds from Reach to The Generous Love Fund, which was specifically designed to help with short-term, emergency financial needs.

If you find yourself in a financial need, please request an application by clicking the button below or emailing The committee will go over the application and see if it fits our guidelines. You will receive word back within 2-3 business days.

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
— 1 Thessalonians 5:11

“Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.” Prov. 19:20

We are committed to caring for our employees in a variety of ways. One of those ways is by offering counseling to those who may need it. Our desire is to provide a safe place where our employees can get the help they need as they walk through challenging circumstances.

We encourage a Biblical counseling model that utilizes God’s Word along with best counseling practices to help bring about truth, insight, meaning, and answers. We partner with Anticipate Joy, an innovative mental wellness company to help us accomplish these goals.

If you are in need of counseling, please click the button below to email our Company Champlain, and get more information on our counseling process.

1. Fill out the counseling sign-up form below.

2. Once the form is filled out our company chaplain will send you the coupon code to receive the first 5 sessions for free for Anticipate Joy.

3. Go to to schedule your first session.

  • For more information on the Anticipate Joy process please see attached flyer.

4. If anticipate joy does fit your needs, please contact for other options.