Thank you to every employee and partner of the Household group who helped people find their way Home!
we saw Jesus meet many in our company, community, and in youth and families around the world with Hope and an invitation to come to Him and draw from His well that does not run dry, to drink from His waters that truly quench and satisfy. Every ministry initiative and donation was done so to lead people to the Wellspring of Life and to help them experience His rivers of living water that He offers to those who come to Him and put their trust in Him.
Click the link below to view the full 2023 Impact Report.
In 2022 we saw hearts find home, and roots grow deep. thank you to our employees and partners who showed generous love throughout the year!
click the link below to download the full 2022 Impact Report.
Thank you to every employee and partner of the Household Group who helped people find their way Home!
click the link below to download the full 2021 Impact Report.
In an unprecedented year, in the middle of a global pandemic, national division, and local challenges, we were able to sow more Seeds of Hope than ever before!
click the Link below to Download the full 2020 Impact Report.
“But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.”