In addition to our Employee, Local and Global Reach, Reach also aims to inspire and equip others in the Marketplace to hear God’s voice, so that they can know their Identity and walk out their purpose.

Jesus said, The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.

We believe in encouraging laborers already in one of the largest harvest fields of the world, the Marketplace- to fulfill the great commission and make disciples and reach those around them every day in their cubicle, job site, or boardroom.

We believe in sharing our story, experiences, mistakes and strategies to help other businesses and marketplace leader reach even more for Christ than we could on our own.

If you would like to request more info about Marketplace Ministry for yourself or your workplace, please click the link below.


After facing hardships as a young man that could have permanently derailed his life, John Houston has become a respected and successful business owner who views his companies as a platform to reach people for Christ and support ministries around the world.

In his new book, John helps us learn how to fulfill our God-given vehicle and see the workplace as a platform for ministry. Whether you are just starting your career or are a well-established leader, you will find encouragement and inspiration to hear God’s voice and experience a life of meaning and purpose.