Impact Culture. Influence change


The Inspire Collective delivers a unique blend of inspiration and application, spiritual and practical, for those wanting to impact and influence their everyday world for Christ.


Inspire’s Founders


The coronavirus pandemic has reminded us that virtual connection is helpful, but there is nothing quite like being physically present with other people.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect in-person with other members of the Inspire Collective community.


As part of the Inspire Collective Dallas Chapter, you will get to: 

  • Network with like-minded entrepreneurs and leaders

  • Share needs and resources

  • Build community as you build your business

  • Grow together as influencers and changemakers


Kingdom Business Networks


Below is a list of resources of some of our favorite marketplace ministries and curated content on the topic that we hope will inspire and strengthen you and your team to reach more people for Christ in the Marketplace.


Made to flourish

Closing the gap between Sunday and Monday is why Made to Flourish exists.

Work needed a new story. The idea that work is a necessary evil isn’t new. God designed work, from the beginning of creation, to reflect his own work in the world and in us.


Business as mission

Business has a God-given power and potential for good in the world. Yet too often Christian business people have not been affirmed in their call to business.

Business As Mission wants business men and women to understand God’s redemptive work through business in the world. We want to help change the message that Christian business people are hearing and mobilise them for action.


Lausanne Global workplace

Across the world today, men and women are faithfully stewarding God’s call as leaders and people of influence in organizations, churches, schools, and marketplaces. What would happen if these men and women were to gather together to form God-inspired, catalytic connections within and across regions, generations, shared interests, and ideas? This is the unique calling of the Lausanne Movement: to connect influencers and ideas for global mission.


Faith and Work -Tim Keller

How wonderful that the gospel works on every aspect of us—mind, will, and feelings—and enables us to both deeply appreciate the work of non-believers and yet aspire to work in unique ways as believers. Putting all of these four aspects together, we see that being a Christian leads us to see our work not as merely a way to earn money, nor as primarily a means of personal advancement, but a truly a calling—to serve God and love our neighbor.


Kingdom Business - Gateway

Today Kingdom Business Leaders offers events, business groups, training programs, and resources that help business leaders strengthen their relationships with God while building strong families and businesses.


Kingdom at work - Betenbough Homes

Many Christians believe that true influence only belongs in vocational ministry. We beg to differ. How will you bring God's Kingdom into your business right here, right now?


Work as worship - right now media

Through powerful biblical teaching, real-life documentary stories and engaging video illustrations, this series will help us understand the biblical mandate for work. We have been called to work with excellence, integrity, and diligence, and our careers are opportunities to be on mission for Christ in the marketplace. God gives us great potential for impact on our families, churches, communities and the world through the blessing of our work.


heaven in business - bethel

Heaven in Business was founded to connect and catalyze believers in the marketplace to partner with God at work. Heaven in Business offers resources, training, connection and tools that cause personal, business and city transformation.


Center for faith & work

The Center for Faith & Work exists to explore and investigate the gospel’s unique power to renew hearts, communities, and the world, in and through our day-to-day work. As the cultural renewal arm of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, we foster, shepherd, and empower the church as it is scattered, living and working out in the world, beyond the walls of any one gathered place of worship.


Theology of work

The Theology of Work Project (TOW) is an independent, international organization dedicated to researching, writing, and distributing materials with a biblical perspective on non-church workplaces. The Project’s primary mission is to produce resources covering every book of the Bible.


his way at work

His Way At Work is a faith-based nonprofit that provides consulting and coaching services for Christian CEOs and business leaders around the world who want to impact their organizations with the love of Christ. To transform the collective culture, change needs to start at a personal level. We believe that the Gospel has the power to make that change.


Faith driven entrepreneur

A movement dedicated to gathering one million Christ-following entrepreneurs and equipping them, so they can fulfill their call to create and transform the world around them.



Over twenty years ago J. Frank Harrison, III Chairman and CEO of Coca-Cola Consolidated, began transforming the culture of his company by choosing a purpose “To Honor God In All We Do, by serving others, pursuing excellence and growing profitably.”

Today, Coca-Coca Consolidated has become the largest Coca-Cola bottler in the U.S. Culture matters.


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